Key Projects

Pioneering positive ageing in community

In addition to its core services, JCCPA also introduces a diverse range of innovative projects from time to time, staying close to the needs of people with dementia in the community and making up for gaps in public services. In the past 10 years, JCCPA has completed more than 10 key projects, such as identifying a new positive name for dementia and motivating the population in various pilot projects to support people with dementia comprehensively and help them enjoy positive ageing in the community.

Previous Projects

2022-2024Jockey Club Younger Onset Dementia Support ProjectWith the generous donation by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing (JCCPA) launched the first pilot project in Hong Kong which strives to deliver quality service of dementia care for People with younger onset dementia. This 3-year innovative pilot project aims to support people who are suspected / diagnosed with younger onset dementia and also their family caregivers. The project adopts the evidence-based service model based on the strategy developed by Alzheimer's Australia (now as Dementia Australia) and the workbook namely “Working collaboratively with clients and family carers: A Practical guide to implementing the Goal Attainment Scale in younger onset dementia care services: Workbook activities”, developed by Associate Professor Victoria Traynor (University of Wollongong, Australia). With the service model, we hope to support our service targets formulate a suitable “well-being action plan” for the future. Also, to help caregivers understand their role changes and develop different coping mechanisms from a new perspective, thus, to enhance their positive caring experience, knowledge and skills, to relieve the burden for caring, and walk with people with younger onset dementia.
2019-2022Jockey Club Post-diagnostic Support in Dementia Care ProgrammeThanks to the donation from the Jockey Club Charities Trust, JCCPA introduced the Jockey Club Post-diagnostic Support in Dementia Care Programme, in conjunction with the Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong, Haven of Hope Christian Service and Lok Sin Tong. The pilot programme will be implemented for three years to support mainly those who are suspected to have mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia, and their family members. The programme is based on Scotland’s National Dementia Strategy, using the “Five Pillars Model” to shape the services for post-diagnostic support and provide quality intervention for people with dementia and their family members. It also adopts the Family Intervention and Empowerment models, and advocates “early detection, early diagnosis and early intervention”, to tailor suitable care plans for the targeted service users. The programme helps caregivers understand their roles from a new perspective, improves the caregivers’ positive care experience, enhances their knowledge and skills while reduces their care burden. It provides support to their caregiver journey with people with dementia.
2018-2020Jockey Club Discharge Support and Rehabilitation Programme (2018-2020)Jockey Club Post Discharge Support and Rehabilitation Programme was a 12-week post discharge service model including respite service, active rehabilitation, and family support to facilitate rehabilitation of people with dementia discharged from hospital for ageing in place and help families to provide good dementia care to the care recipients to prevent recurrent hospitalization.
2018-2020"The Tail Before" Community ScreeningThe Film "The Tail Before" Community Screening cum Advanced Care Dementia Sharing funded by Wing Wah Charity Foundation began since July 2018. A total of 17 screening and sharing sessions carried out in different districts across Hong Kong. Medical health and social services specialists and scholars were invited to be guest speakers in various sessions to share their views and situations in Hong Kong about advanced care planning on people with dementia. Over 1,200 participants who are caregivers, professionals or general public joined the screening sessions during the project. Over 90 percent of the participants expressed they had learned more about the end of life care and considered to discuss advanced directive / advanced care planning with their family. Over 95 percent of participant agreed the events were useful and would recommend their friends and family to join.
2018Jockey Club Best Practice in Dementia Care ProgramWith the generous support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trusts, JCCPA organizes the "Jockey Club Best Practice in Dementia Care Programme" from 2016 to 2019. Through this programme, over a hundred of professional practitioners and over a thousand of frontline workers in the health care as well as social service settings were trained up, in order to provide person centred care in dementia services.
2016Micro-film "The Tail Before"With the generous support from S K Yee Medical Foundation, JCCPA has produced a micro-film "The Tail Before", which is around 20 minutes. Synopsis: As a child, Suet Yi witnessed the transformation of tadpoles into frogs. As an adult, Suet Yi (starred by Rain Lau) witnessed the aging of her mother. Welcoming and bidding farewell to life are inevitable chapters in life journey. Nonetheless, we feel uneasy and doubtful about such life matters, and Suet Yi is no exception. Suet Yi has been taking care of her mother with dementia for nearly eight years, accompanying her mother until her last stage of life. Meanwhile, Dr Cheung (starred by Peter Cheung) raised concerns about end-of-life decision-making, and Suet Yi and her family members had intensive dispute on this issue. There is no absolute answer on life and death issue, Suet Yi can only learn by herself and hopefully make a choice closest to her initial enthusiasm. Cherish now as parting is an inescapable reality. There is a time to let go...a time to miss you dearly. For more details about Advance Care Plan, Please click here.
2016-2018"Jockey Club 'Dementia Friendly Communities' Campaign"JCCPA organized the "Dementia Concern Campaign" which was funded by Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, in August 2014 to October 2015. The Campaign aimed to enhance awareness, especially among front-line staff in both public and private sectors, by helping them understand the difficulties faced by elderly people with dementia, and encouraging them to lend a helping hand so as to create a dementia-friendly community. More than 4,000 people took part in the interactive workshops during the 16-month programme, and the campaign benefited over 24,000 persons. With the generous support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, JCCPA organizes the "Jockey Club 'Dementia Friendly Communities' Campaign" (DFC Campaign) between October 2016 and September 2018. The DFC Campaign aims to strengthen the supporting network in the communities so that people with dementia can live safely.
201515th Anniversary CelebrationThe JCCPA 15th Anniversary Celebration cum Dementia Concern Closing Ceremony was held on 17 September 2015
2014-2015Dementia Concern CampaignFunded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Dementia Concern Campaign was launched to raise public awareness of the illness. The 16-month campaign provided tailor-made training programme for front-line staff in both the public and private sectors and aimed at helping participants understand the difficulties faced by dementia patients, and encouraging them to lend a helping hand. Over 4,000 participants took part in the interactive workshops and the campaign benefitedover 20,000 people.
2012-2013Care Your Brain CampaignFunded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, and organized by JCCPA and Cadenza. The aim of the campaign was to promote prevention of dementia and maintaining a healthy brain. More than 8,000 studentsand general public participated in over 100 school talks, workshops, game design competition and the carnival.
2011"The Little Flower"-Understanding dementia: A different realityFunded by SK Yee Medical Foundation, JCCPA produced a short film “The Little Flower”. This film aims to let the viewers understand how people with dementia view the world and what their psychological needs are.
201010th AnniversaryJCCPA celebrated its 10th Anniversary and announced the new Chinese term for dementia.
2010Changing the Way You See Dementia – Renaming CompetitionJCCPA organised a citywide competition “Changing the Way You See Dementia – Renaming Competition” to come up with a new Chinese term for the disease that is bias-free. The objectives were to arouse public awareness about dementia, and to eradicate the social stigma attached; thus to reduce the difficulty of early diagnosis and treatment.