Media Coverage
Open Access Government
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Training Courses for Dementia Care
With the support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant, JCCPA has launched a new programme “Training Courses for Dementia Care”.
The half-day intensive training course was successfully held on 20 May. Mr. Ben Chan, has shared with over 100 caregivers how our home could be designed to help to take care of people with dementia. What’s more, he also demonstrated some home exercises for people with dementia in order to strengthen their muscles as well as maintain brain health. He also addressed various enquiries from caregivers with practical suggestions during the talk.
The next training course will be held on 17 June (Sat). Registered nurse, Mr. Kingsley Pun will share the distressed behavior of people with dementia. If you are interested to join, please register at
JCCPA offers training courses from time to time for family caregivers, learning the skills and tactics of how to take care for people with dementia, and the effective solutions and support when they encounter difficulties. This will relieve pressure of family members and help them go on the care journey with empathy.
For the latest news of training course, please follow our social media platform: