Training of Dementia-friendly museum for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)
JCCPA organized an interactive training for the museum’s staffs and volunteers of LCSD to equip them with the basic knowledge regarding dementia.
The training was divided into two levels:
- In the basic level, participants visited the “Hong Kong Pop 60+” exhibition to understand more about the environmental design for dementia in museum setting. Besides, interactive and communication skills with people with dementia has been learnt through sensory games.
- For advanced level, participants experienced the adversities that people with dementia and their caregivers were facing via the dementia experience workshop.
It was expected that participants would be able to provide better support for the visitors with dementia in the museums.

Jockey Club Caring Communities for Dementia Campaign
In this campaign, we have developed the guarding-tooth device, using the bluetooth and crowd-sourcing technology, to assist caregivers to search for the people with dementia when they get lost.
In response to the need of searching people with dementia when they are lost, JCCPA continuously organized iBeacon distribution day in November. As the response was overwhelming, three sections were held that number of caregivers could be benefited from the campaign. Distribution day will be held continuously in December, please visit our website for more details (
Registration and enquiry by district:
Jockey Club Centre for Positive Aging (New Territories East, Kowloon and Islands District)
Phone: 6804 6307 (Office hour: Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm. Except Sat, Sun and Public Holidays)
St. James’ Settlement (Hong Kong Island, New Territories West and Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing)
Phone: 8105 5818
"1+2" Family Caregivers Training Course
With the support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant, JCCPA has launched a new programme “1+2 Family Caregivers Training Courses for Dementia Care” in 2021.
The half-day training session: Home safety and environmental design was successfully held on 20 November. Our social worker and training consultant, Mr. Andrew Lau and Registered Nurse, Ms. Bonnie Li have shared with over 100 caregivers regarding home safety and how to improve environmental design at home etc. They have also addressed enquires from caregivers with practical suggestions during the talk.
The last training course in this year will be held on 18 December (Sat). We will practice mindfulness and share the needs and wants of caregivers. If you are interested to join, please register at

3-day Seminar - Understanding the Distressed Behaviour of People with Dementia in Hong Kong
The 3-day seminar – understanding the distressed behaviour of people with dementia in Hong Kong, jointly organised by JCCPA and University of Worcester, was successfully conducted on 17 to 19 November. It was our great honour to invite the following speakers from various professions and background to share the knowledge of dementia and its distressed behavior:
- Prof Dawn Brooker MBE
- Isabelle Latham
- Prof Timothy Kwok
- Prof Allen Lee
- Dr Lisa Au
- Dr Adrian Wong
- Kenny Chui
- Franco Cheng and
- Natalie Lai
During the seminar, not only theory about the distressed behavior of people with dementia was shared but also covered some practical aspects, for example, to understand more about adversities facing by frontline staff and caregivers, and how professional staff could facilitate them in daily healthcare. The seminar provided all-round understandings towards dementia especially the overseas experience, which was a new perspective to learn from.
JCCPA offers professional training courses from time to time for staff members of the dementia care sector. By integrating theory and knowledge about dementia, service experience and study results, we seek to help professional workers better understand dementia and contribute to enhancing care skills and service levels. For the latest news, please refer to our website ( and Facebook (