Jockey Club Caring Communities for Dementia Campaign
In this campaign, we have developed the guarding-tooth device, using the bluetooth and crowd-sourcing technology, to assist caregivers to search for the people with dementia when they get lost.
In response to the need of searching people with dementia when they are lost, JCCPA continuously organized iBeacon distribution day in October. As the response was overwhelming, three sections were held that number of caregivers could be benefited from the campaign.
Registration and enquiry by district:
Jockey Club Centre for Positive Aging (New Territories East, Kowloon and Islands District)
Phone: 6804 6307 (Office hour: Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm. Except Sat, Sun and Public Holidays)
St. James’ Settlement (Hong Kong Island, New Territories West and Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing)
Phone: 8105 5818
Jockey Club Post-diagnostic Support in Dementia Care Programme
The programme staff visited Lai Tak Tsuen in Tai Hang and Yue Kwong Chuen in Aberdeen in October, to conduct cognitive assessment. The identified subjects who might require further cognitive diagnosis would be referred to general practitioners or doctors in family medicines specialty for consultation with subsidies provided.

Besides, group training sessions were conducted in JCCPA and estates under Hong Kong Housing Society, including Bo Shek Mansion in Tsuen Wan, Prosperous Garden in Yau Ma Tei, Lai Tak Tsuen in Tai Hang, Kwun Lung Lau in Kennedy Town and Yue Kwong Chuen in Aberdeen in October. The participants learnt dementia knowledge as well as how to establish healthy lifestyles in the future.

PDSP provides free educational talk for different NGOs and screening service for those aged 50 or above in order to promote early diagnosis and early intervention.
If anyone observed that the elderly in the family demonstrated a significant decline in memory and cognitive impairment, you are welcome to contact our programme staff Mr. Chan at 2946 8179 or Ms. Yip at 2946 8182 to arrange a cognitive assessment via telephone for the people in need.
PDSP provides free training sessions for people aged 50 or above who have diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and early dementia within one year, as well as 6 – 9 months supporting services to those family caregivers too. In view of the latest development of the novel coronavirus infection, elderly and the caregivers can receive supportive service via telephone, Zoom meeting or self-learning from our e-platform as well. Please contact Ms. Yip at 2946 8182 or Ms. Fan at 2946 8178 for more details.
"1+2" Family Caregivers Training Course
With the support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant, JCCPA has launched a new programme “1+2 Family Caregivers Training Courses for Dementia Care” in 2021.
The one-day intensive training course was successfully held on October. Our social worker and training consultant, Mr. Andrew Lau shared knowledge and tactics with caregivers on how to take care people with dementia including basic knowledge of dementia, daily schedule and health management, communication and health care skills, community resources and arrangement, etc. The caregivers expressed that the sharing was fruitful and beneficial to them.
The next training course will be held on 20 November (Sat). We will share the notes of home safety and environmental design. If you are interested to join, please register at