Caring Communities for Dementia Campaign: Facebook Live Talk
The first-ever Facebook Live Talk was on 7 August. Considering this was the initial time that the Centre conducted the Facebook Live, we have invited Dr. Kenny Chui (Principal Training Consultant) and Ms. Ally Lam (Registered Social Worker) as the speakers to discuss “How to understand and cope with the special behavior and emotional conditions of people with dementia.”
We received passionate, zealous, enthusiastic responses, and endless questions from the audiences during the live talk. The Centre hopes that through this Facebook live talk, family members or caregivers can genuinely understand how to cope and maintain good communication with dementia people.

JCCPA Gymnastics
Due to the ongoing epidemic, many family caregivers try to minimize the outgoing time of people with dementia. Yet, sticking around at home for a lengthy period, people with dementia may feel that they are just lying around at home, feeling bored; they may wish to sneak out home secretly, which may have the risk of getting lost. Our physiotherapist – Ben Sir, took the lead in demonstrating JCCPA Gymnastics in August so that the family members and caregivers can accompany the elderly to work out together at home!

Jockey Club Discharge Support and Rehabilitation Programme
Cheung Por Por needed to be hospitalized because of a hip fall earlier. At that time, she needed a walker to assist her in walking, and as her family members could not visit her due to the epidemic, the mild emotional problem has appeared. Cheung Por Por participated in Jockey Club Discharge Support and Rehabilitation Programme after being discharged from the hospital. Throughout our residential and daycare services, including cognitive training, personal care, physical therapy, social practice, etc., her emotion and mobility have greatly improved. At the moment, she only needs to use a crutch to support walking slightly.
Cheung Por Por appreciated the Centre’s caring and sent us two “Thank You Trophies.” We believe she will recover shortly and return home to reunite with her family soon.

Family Caregivers Training Course
With the generous support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant, we are conducting a “Caregiver Training and Community Support in Dementia Care” programme. JCCPA held the online training for family caregivers on 29 August again.
Our Training Consultant, Mr. Andrew Lau, has shared with the family caregivers about the issues related to dementia care. The content was comprised of a wide variety, covering from the environmental design, daily activities planning, communication skills, behavior, psychological performance treatment, and in-depth topics such as dementia caring and advance directive, etc.
More than 70 participants have joined the training. Mr. Andrew Lau responded and advised the caregivers according to their caring cases and how to overcome various challenges at the time of caring for people with dementia. The training was in a pleasant atmosphere, participants raised questions and responded very enthusiastically, we sincerely hope the practice could help them alleviate their difficulties and pressures.
The next training course will be on 26 September 2020 (Saturday). For those who are interested in the study, please stay tuned on our Website and Facebook.