Best Practice in Dementia Care Programme
The captioned program led by Training Consultant, Mr Andrew Lau, was held every Tuesday from November 2019 to February 2020 in order to provide all-rounded and systematic training on dementia care for frontline staff.
The program was developed by the University of Stirling Dementia Services Development Centre while JCCPA was authorized to hold the related training in Hong Kong.
The 11 participants have successfully finished 12 sessions of training. They expressed that the programme is practical and all-rounded. Through case studies and group discussion between trainer and classmates, they realized that people with dementia are independent and unique. The programme not only helped them to equip with knowledge on person-centred dementia care, but also initiate a change in their everyday practice to deliver quality dementia service.

Jockey Club Post-Diagnostic Support in Dementia Care Programme
The campaign video of Jockey Club Post-diagnostic Support in Dementia Care Programme (PDSP) is posted on JCCPA website, please click here to watch the programme video.
PDSP aims to provide early screening, early diagnosis and early intervention in dementia. If you observed that the elderly in your family had displayed a significant decline in memory and general cognitive impairment, but not sure whether such changes were due to normal ageing or dementia. Please feel free to contact our programme staff to arrange a detailed cognitive assessment.
PDSP provides free educational talk and the cognitive test for different NGOs, organizations and for those who aged 50 or above.
Please feel free to contact us for more details (Tel: 2946 8185).
For more details of the programme, please click here.

Jockey Club Caring Communities for Dementia Campaign
With the generous support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing (JCCPA) is partnering with St James’ Settlement and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to organize the “Jockey Club Caring Communities for Dementia Campaign (CCD)” from September 2019 to August 2022. With the integration of a community network of NGOS and technological expertise, the Campaign aims to provide feasible service for caregivers of a person with dementia and promote a dementia-friendly community in Hong Kong. With the active participation of the public, people with dementia will be able to continue participating in community activities safely while caregivers’ stress could be relieved.
To enhance the awareness of supporting people with dementia in our community, we are conducting a series of public educational talks. At the same time, the project team are working together to develop a tracking device and APP to help to identifying the missing person with dementia. The tracking device and APP is targeted to be launched in the third quarter of 2020.

Training Service
26 February: Training Consultant Mr Andrew Lau was invited by The Nethersole School of Nursing, Department of Medicine, CUHK, to share the “Holistic intervention for dementia clients: a strengths-based approach” with 28 students.