Media Interview
Apple Daily
(Please click Media Coverage for more details)
Restraint Reduction: A Sharing from Taiwan Sharing Session
We are very honoured to have invited Mr Lin Chin-li, CEO of Tong Ren Ren-ai Senior Cititzens’ Home of Taiwan to share their successful experiences in restraint reduction on 1 June. JCCPA’s Senior Training Consultant Mr Kenny Chui also shared Hong Kong’s experiences in restraint reduction among people with dementia. The sharing session provided a discussion platform for both speakers as well as the participants to discuss the way to further enhance the person-centred care in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Advanced Diploma Programme in Dementia Care 2018-2019 Graduation Dinner
Advanced Diploma Programme in Dementia Care (2018-2019) has been completed. A graduation and reunion dinner was organized on 6 June to celebrate this important moment. We hope students could apply the acquired knowledge in their work place so as to provide better caring to people with dementia. We deeply appreciate the generous donation from Ms Kwan Fook Yue and her family for sponsoring the course. The Advanced Diploma Programme in Dementia Care 2019-2020 is now open for application. For enrollment and more details, please contact Ms Bonnie Tsui at 2636 6323 or click here.

The Tail Before" Film Public Screening cum "Care in Late Stage Dementia" Sharing Session (the 10th session)
JCCPA and Wing Wah Charity Foundation jointly organise a number of film screenings of “The Tail Before” cum “Care in Late Stage Dementia” Sharing Sessions from July 2018 to June 2020. Against the backdrop involving different stakeholders in the sharing sessions, both caregivers and professionals in the fields can share their views, concerns and enquiries on the topic of Advance Care Planning through discussion. We deeply appreciate the generous support from Wing Wah Charity Foundation.
The tenth screening session was successfully held on 29 June 2019. Our Training Consultant Mr Andrew Lau discussed the topic of advance care plan with the general public at a volunteer event organized by the Hong Kong Red Cross.
For more details about Advance Care Plan, please click here.
To watch “The Tail Before”, please click here to watch the film.

Jockey Club Post-diagnostic Support in Dementia Care Programme
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the doctors who took time out of their busy schedules to attend Jockey Club Post-diagnostic Support in Dementia Care Programme (PDSP) CME training sessions in June.
Training sessions were delivered by Professor Timothy Kwok (Director of JCCPA, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics of Chinese University of Hong Kong), Dr. Adrian Wong (Research Assistant Professor of Department of Medicine and Therapeutics of Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Mr Kenny Chui (Senior Training Consultant of JCCPA) on the latest evidence-based diagnostic and assessment tools in dementia care. These sessions prepared private practice General Practitioners (GPs) in our project to provide diagnostic consultations for dementia.
About Jockey Club Post-diagnostic Support in Dementia Programme
Adopting both a family-based approach and empowerment-based dementia care model, this is a programme aiming to promote early screening, early diagnosis and early intervention in dementia. It helps adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and early dementia as well as their caregivers establish person-centred short and long term care plans. Our programme partners include Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong, Haven of Hope Christian Service, and Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon. As part of the programme, eligible adults aged 50 or over who are experiencing possible symptoms of MCI or early dementia will receive a one-time subsidy for diagnostic consultations by private practice GPs.
Birthday Celebration Programme
A number of our clients are over ninety years old! To celebrate the blessing of longevity, a special large-scale celebration programme was held during 24 and 28 June, for all elderly. Different themes were applied in the daily activities in the week, with both interesting and rich training elements. For example, a reminiscence activity in making birthday celebration “red-coloured eggs” and noodles, eye-hand coordination trainings by creating various birthday handcrafts, visit and performance by volunteer enhancing their social interaction and making cupcakes. We wish all the elderly a healthy and joyful time every day!

Caregiver Support Group
The sixth session of Caregiver Support Group was conducted on 15 June 2019. Mr Andrew Lau shared with the participants on “Prevention of pressure sores” and “Diet and nutrition”.
Limited place available for application, interested caregivers please visit this link for details.
Dementia Community Support Scheme
In collaboration with Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, JCCPA is providing training courses for the “Dementia Community Support Scheme”. The training aims to facilitate professional and frontline staff to be familiar with the operation of the Scheme and enhance their capacity, expertise and skills in providing support service to people with dementia. The first cohort started since March and there were 8 lectures conducted in this month.
“Dementia Community Support Scheme” is launched by The Food and Health Bureau in collaboration with the Social Welfare Department and the Hospital Authority (HA). This scheme provides dementia community support services to elderly persons with mild or moderate dementia and their caregivers in the community through the participation of 41 District Elderly Community Centres (DECC). Please click here for more details.
Training Service
12 June: Training Consultant Mr Andrew Lau was invited by City Youth Empowerment Project to share a session of “Dementia Experience” with a group of general public.
13 June: Mr Andrew Lau was invited by Pentecostal Church of Hong Kong Fung Tak Care and Health Elderly Centre to share “Advance Care Plan” via the film “The Tail Before” with a group of caregivers.
Visitors from organizations
Occupational Therapy Students, Tung Wah College
New Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association The Wellness Center (Kwai Chung)
CUHK Medical Students