Media Interview
Commercial Radio Hong Kong (Chinese Version Only)
ViuTV (Chinese Version Only)
Hong Kong Open TV (Chinese Version Only)
(Please click Media Coverage for more details)
Dementia Community Support Scheme
In collaboration with Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, JCCPA is providing training courses for the “Dementia Community Support Scheme”. The training aims to facilitate professional and frontline staff to be familiar with the operation of the Scheme and enhance their capacity, expertise and skills in providing support service to people with dementia. The first cohort started in March and there were 10 lectures this month.
“Dementia Community Support Scheme” is launched by The Food and Health Bureau in collaboration with the Social Welfare Department and the Hospital Authority (HA). This scheme provides dementia community support services to elderly persons with mild or moderate dementia and their caregivers in the community through the participation of 41 District Elderly Community Centres (DECC). Please click here for more details.

Caregiver Support Group
The forth session of Caregiver Support Group was conducted on 27 April 2019. Training Consultant Mr Andrew Lau shared with the participants on “Activities and exercises for people with Dementia”.
Limited place available for application, interested caregivers please visit this link for details.
Training Service
9 April: Mr. Andrew Lau was invited by Caritas Jockey Club Lai King Rehabilitation Centre to share “Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia” and “Case Management” with their frontline staff.
18 April: Mr. Andrew Lau was invited by Pentecostal Church of Hong Kong Fung Tak Care & Health Elderly Centre to share “Fall Crisis and Management” and “Diet and nutrition for people with dementia”.
26 April: Senior Training Consultant Mr. Kenny Chui was invited by the Regional Missing Person Unit Kowloon West to share “Lost prevention in residential care homes (RCHEs)” with over 40 Centre-In-Charge and frontline staff of RCHEs.
26 April: Mr. Andrew Lau was invited by Wofoo Foundation to share “Perspectives of Manpower Issues in Healthcare systems” with 30 professionals.
29 April: Mr. Kenny Chui was invited by Department of Pharmacology & Pharmacy, The University of Hong Kong to share ‘”Survival Guide” for Caregivers – Social and Cultural Perspectives with professionals.’
30 April: Mr. Andrew Lau was invited by Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service Choi Hung Community Centre for Senior Citizen to share “Group Activity Planning”.