Sturdy chair with armrest

Dresser drawers should have labels with both text and photo

Transparent closet door to ease elder in finding clothes. Can use sensor light

Color of the door should contrast with the wall, door handle and floor color

Non slippery floor or carpet. Avoid complex floor pattern

Adequate lighting, at least 200 lux

Washroom should be easily seen from the bed. Can install auto sensor light

Large light switch with color contrast to the wall; Separate on/off switch for the air conditioner on wall to avoid elder from climbing up

Pay attention to the height of the bed. Both feet should be able to lay flat on the floor in sitting position. Avoid using slippery bedding. For elder with high fall risk, can consider installing handrail or bed alarm

Soft wall color. Avoid complex pattern on wall

Hang some elder's favorite photos or decoration on the wall. Hanging height should be at eye level

Touch control bedside light with min 200lux

Put a personal emergency call system or a remote control switch by the side of the bed

Night light