Sitting up straight
Help a person with dementia to sit up in bed

1. Lift his/her knees

2. Put your hands on his/her shoulder and pelvis to slowly turn him/her on to their side. Move his/her feet near the side of the bed while keeping your back straight

3. Help him/her lower their legs down the side of the bed

4. Put your forearm across the back of his/her neck. Support his/her neck and shoulders with one hand, and support his/her thighs with the other hand. Flex your knees and squat a little, and tell him/her to sit up straight on the count of three. On three, exert a bit of force to lift his/her shoulders

5. Keep holding him/her until he/she has sat up, keeping your back straight at the same time
Double-knee hold for moving between sitting positions
Help to move a person with dementia to another location

- Make sure the wheelchair brake is locked

2. Stand in front of him/her. Make sure his/her feet are flat on the ground. Put one of your legs in between his/her legs. Keep steady

3. Ask him/her to wrap his/her arms tightly around your neck. Flex your knees and squat a little to hold his/her hip area

4. Ask him/her to count to three and stand up while holding on to you. On three, straighten your legs to lift him/her up and slowly move him/her, keeping your back straight

5. Move him/her to the front of the wheel chair, and then help him/her to sit down on the wheelchair. Keep your back straight
Arm hold
Help to move a person with dementia to another location

- Make sure the wheelchair brake is locked