When there are signs of memory loss with you or your loved ones, you may wonder if they are an early symptom of dementia. When in doubt, use the method below for a quick test. If the tests show some possibility of dementia onset, seek medical help as soon as possible. JCCPA’s Memory Clinic offers memory evaluation for suspected cases of dementia and arranges for early intervention by our multi-disciplinary team to slow the degeneration. To discuss your questions, contact our hotline 2636 6323. We are here to help!
Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly
To be completed by family members

The observations of caregivers are important for diagnosing dementia. If you find that a family member shows signs of cognitive and memory decline; and is not sure if that’s normal ageing or dementia, you can use the Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQ-CODE) for an initial screening.